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Healing Through Cosmic Energy

Welcome to TrueTrue Astrology, where the cosmic journey begins, and the quest to unveil your true self takes flight. In the tapestry of the stars, we find the guiding threads that lead to self-discovery and personal growth. Embrace the mysteries of the universe as we navigate the celestial realms together, charting a course towards authenticity, purpose, and a deeper understanding of your unique cosmic identity. 

Let the constellations be your guide on this transformative voyage to unlock the truths that resonate within. Welcome to a place where astrology becomes a compass on the path to your most genuine self.

Nicole Kim

Nicole is an astrologer, tarot reader, and educator with a unique style and high vibration. She uses a combination of eastern and western astrology. She helps people transform their lives through the power of understanding themselves and their relationships to the universe. Nicole has a happy-go-lucky personality that makes her easy to be around, and she cares deeply about her clients' well-being.

Regulus David

David is a life coach who helps people find their own unique path in life. He uses astrology as a tool to inspire people and coach them to success. Dave loves marketing, technology and uses his investigative creative problem solving skills to bring awareness and solutions to the problems in our everyday lives.

Astrology Readings

Imagine gaining this incredible clarity – not about a fixed destiny, but about understanding how to navigate life with wisdom. Your birth chart is like a cosmic blueprint, helping you to face challenges, seize opportunities, and carve out a path that truly resonates with who you are.

Published Works

Ready to learn about the world of metaphysics? Our astrology and tarot educational products are keys to unlock the door to self-awareness. You can tap into the ancient wisdom of these powerful tools and gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Resource Library

Ever felt like life is a bit like a puzzle, and sometimes you just need the right pieces to fall into place? That’s where our resources come in. Plan your schedule with insights from astrology, align your activities with the celestial energies, and feel the magic unfold in your journey.

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